3 Incident Reporting Guidelines#

3.1 Contact points#

If you feel able to, please contact Kirstie Whitaker (kwhitaker@turing.ac.uk) and Dr. Malvika Sharan (msharan@turing.ac.uk) - who are responsible for enforcing the Code of Conduct.

3.2 Alternate contact points#

If you prefer not to contact the project leads, you may also contact Anna Krystalli, who is our ombudsperson.

You can reach out to our Research Community Manager, Anne Lee Steele (asteele@turing.ac.uk) for support in making a report to the project leads on your behalf or anonymously.

3.3 What to do if someone is in physical danger#

If you believe someone is in physical danger, please contact the appropriate emergency responders.

3.4 Code of Conduct Enforcement#

A detailed enforcement policy is available in the Enforcement Manual below.